This is my second pregnancy and it is a boy.
My first pregnancy was a girl and she came out 6 pounds 11 ounces when she was born.
Anyone who can guess the closest will win ten points!|||6lb 5oz...good luck|||Sorry, I went into labor and was unable to finish the question.
drbob was actually the closest. My son weighed in at 7 pounds 7 ounces.
Thank you to everyone who submitted an answer, and I am sorry I was unable to finish the question.
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|||probally 7 lbs, and good luck!|||8 pounds 6 ounces. But Ironically it'll be a girl not a boy.
I like the name Alex, or Joey McMahon the 4th|||well actually the ultrasound weight is still an estimation. with my first one the ultrasound said she was 7lb 11 oz. and when she was born the next day she was only 6lb 9 oz
with my son, the ultrasound said he was 7lb 2oz, and when he was born two days later he was 9lb 2 1/2oz. So the ultrasound doesn't always ring true on the weight.
still my guess would have to be 8lb 7oz|||i guess 6lbs 19in.|||I do not want the points yet I would like to guess! I am not on here to earn the points I get on here to help other people with questions that I think I can help with! 6 pounds 13 ounces! They are useually close to what the doctor says! Congrats and Good luck with the new bundle of joy!|||My my, what a competition. Going on what I was told, I would say you will have a rather large baby; I'm going to say 8lbs 9 oz. Congrats!!|||I'm thinking 8lbs 5oz.
Good luck|||Well.. they usually gain about a 1/2 ound to a pound a week up to the due date.. do I am going to guess your baby is somewhere between 8- to 9 lbs...
Good Luck (I have a step daughter due 8/7 and is HUGE lol|||7lbs 2 oz|||my guess would be 7 and a half pounds. it should range between 7.5 to 8 pounds though.
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