Monday, November 14, 2011

What is the probability of answering a question correctly if you make a random guess?

On a multiple-choice test with five possible answers for each question, what is the probability of answering a question correctly if you make a random guess?|||.20 or 1/5 out of 100% simple|||20% or 1/5|||1/5|||this question makes no since??????????????

is this random to u???|||for any one question it is one chance in 5 or 1/5 = 0.2

if you then have a test with 10 questions, the chance of getting 5 correct is more complicated. It is not simply 0.2*5|||the probability of answering each question correctly is 20%. Look at it as 100% and ask your self what is 1/5 ofr 100% and that would be 20%.|||Yes.

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