Friday, November 18, 2011


Guess how old i am! I potsed this question on here before, but not many answered it! I'll give you a few hints, i'm smart for my age, i don't go to school i'm somewhere between 2 feet and 4 feet! I'm the youngest in my family, i have no good parents to look after me, I was in Elementary school! Guess how old i am! And please no one say anything mean, cause that's all i get everyday, people telling me mean stuff about my age and my height and all that! Guess how old i am!|||25|||10, but you could be any age and a midget. I have no good parents to look out for me too because I live alone. I was in elementary school too. I also am the youngest in my family. **** I change my guess, I think you are a 30 year old midget, because just about everyone who made it to middle school was over 4 feet tall. Final guess is 30|||14|||i think you are about 21 years old! i wont be nasty i aint that kind of person!|||16 :-)

I'm from Australia and until a few mins ago i didn't know how old elementary school kids were so I'll change my guess to...........ummmm............ 11 and a 1/2|||hey buddy....u r definitely above 18 years....i guess 19 would be the right answer|||old enough|||judging by the question you ask, I think you are a child, probably under 10years of age.|||42|||64|||23|||10|||I would say your smart! Your between 2 and 4 feet...can type somewhat fairly well, I would say about 20|||im guessing that ur over 30 and have a disorder. but thats ok and all those mean ppl are idiots. im sure if they were like u they wouldnt want to be made fun of. so dont even listen to them =)|||8 !

STAY IN SCHOOL !!!!!!!|||your either 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13|||9

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