Friday, November 18, 2011

Is a presidential candidate always privileged to hide his personal information for voters just to guess?

with the uncooperating media which seem to be hell-bent to cover up their favored candidate and hide all information that would deter his election, is knowing the candidate up only for voters to guess or speculate? unfair media practice like ostensible cover ups and biased or selected information are common practice. what will the people do?|||If these people who wants to see a persons personal information posted on the net, so badly.

Should put all of there personal information up on the net so every criminal, I.D thief and credit card skimmer can freely use it.

To clear out there bank accounts and run up credit cards under there name or be charged for all the crimes a person using there ID committed.

Maybe from this experience they might will grow a brain and gain common sense to understand this is why you don't put or ever give your personal information on the net.|||Up until now, they have all been more than willing to share all documents.

"That one" is different, however.


McCain|||Only if he/she is a democrat.|||I can't get a Government job because of a misdemeanor in my 20's. almost 30 years ago.

But Obama can be President.

Hopefully the people will boycott the media who gives this candidate a free pass..|||this is the embryo that grows up to become executive privilege - just do anything and lie about it. NEW RULE - see Bush

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