Friday, November 11, 2011

Can You Guess How Old My Maltese Is?

I have a female Maltese dog and I don't know how old she is. Can you give me an educated guess?

* In size, she is pretty much full-grown

* She has all teeth (sharp, too...)

* She weighs 6 pounds

* No gray hair around the muzzle

* Very active, likes to jump around a lot

* Already had period (not spayed yet)

* Has been with me for the last six months, but even then she was the same size and weight

Could any of you just give me an educated guess of how old she is? Her face looks very young, but I guess that's with all small-breed dogs. I think she is around two years old, but my dad thinks she is much older than that.

Thanks!|||i would say that she's about 1 1/2 or 2 cuz when they're about 3 or 4 they start to settle down. usually they start to get grey muzzles when they turn 5 or 6. they can weigh 6 pounds depending how much u feed them.|||difficult to tell. check its bone|||She couldn't be old, believe this or not dogs do wrinkle. If she isn't chewing up your furniture or any other valuables I would say she is either 2 or 3 yrs old. If she is chewing up your valuables she would be younger.|||I would say thst she is about four years old.|||When you take her to the vet to get spayed they can look at the teeth and estimate an age for you.|||I think your maltese is about 1 or 2 years old. Full-grown maltese weighs 6 pounds and this breed is very active, no matter the age. If she has all teeth, it means that she is full-grown.|||i would say she's around 28 months i love my maltese too they are great dogs|||If this pet has only had one heat cycle than she is around 1 year old or a few months older.|||4|||Well, I could tell you almost exactly if I could see a picture of her teeth...

I would say around 1 1/2 yrs old... or 2 yrs...

cuz after the first 3 years, they tend to settle down a bit, cuz they are getting older...

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